Well-known actor Gary Sinise, famous for his role as Lt. Dan in the movie “Forrest Gump,” has formally accepted the prestigious Charlie Daniels Patriot Award. The award was presented to him by David Corlew, longtime manager of the late Charlie Daniels and co-founder of The Charlie Daniels Journey Home Project (TCDJHP), along with Green Beret combat veteran Joel Pruitt, last year’s recipient of the award.
Sinise was announced as a recipient of the 2022 Charlie Daniels Patriot Award during the fourth annual ceremony. Unfortunately, he was unable to attend the event due to scheduling conflicts. However, Corlew believes that Daniels would be thrilled that Sinise received the award.
“Gary Sinise has set the ‘high water mark’ in support for our vets,” Corlew said. “Foundations and support groups can learn so much from this guy. Besides creating an incredible body of work in the film and entertainment industry, he has utilized it to make a difference for all of us. He is a wonderful example of selfless service. Simply put, he cares, and so do we. Charlie would be very proud that we made this happen.”